- Weather
- Clothing - Map
Walk / ski over 400 miles in minus 25 degrees temperature whilst navigating
over ice rumble that could be higher than a small house.
Are Polar bears scared by anything? Answer - No, You are intruding into
their environment so be careful - you are simply a food source to them.
Patron David Hempleman Adams - had to use his gun to deal with a polar
bear that came into his teams tent looking for food on a previous trip.
Temperatures can easily each 40°C.Your household deep freeze
reaches about 15°C
Norman, Steven and Mike hope to utilise each individual strengths to work
together to form a dependable team and enjoy the experiences.
Depart 2 Apr 2003 fly London to Ottawa.
3 Apr 2003, Fly to Iqualit to 2 days of - equipment checks, GPS Navigation,
Sun & Watch, Map and Dead Reckoning - Communication systems, Cold
water immersion.
5 April Depart to Resolute
6/7 Apr 2003 - Ski technique, Bear protection systems- test communications
- long day out on ice pulling pulks, final test of clothing
8 April 2003
Equipment Checks - final modifications
Pre Race Briefings
Re-pack pulks
High Artic
: http://www.arctictravel.com/chapters/landmampage.html
: http://www.arctictravel.com/chapters/todaypage.html
migration : http://www.arctictravel.com/chapters/birdpage.html
Do mobile phones work all the way to the Magnetic North Pole? yes the
Iridium Satellite Phone System is the only one that works all over the
world. It consists of 66 low orbit satellites.
Can the team send pictures back to the UK?
- Yes the Iridium Satellite System is the only system, which is a truly
global mobile satellite voice, and data solutions with complete coverage
of the Earth (including oceans, airways and Polar regions). Through a
constellation of 66 low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellites Iridium delivers
communications services to and from remote areas where terrestrial communications
are not available. The service is suited to many applications such as
heavy construction, defence/military, emergency services, maritime, mining,
forestry, oil and gas and aviation. Iridium currently provides services
to the United States Department of Defence and launched a commercial service
in March 2001.
long will the batteries survive in the extreme cold? - Batteries will
need to be kept warm and thus will be carried inside clothing. Lithium
Ion batteries will be used which operate best in cold conditions.
Need to consume around 7500 calories per day this might consist of 70%
fat 21% Carbohydrate 9% protein.
Two hot meals a day - morning and evening with a snack taken hourly throughout
the day.
Polar Bear Defence
Hand held bear bangers
Rubber bullets
Pot and Pan
Pepper spray
Trip Wire (tent protection)
Ease of pitching in strong winds
Limited ground space
Comfort for a long expedition
light weight
Low packing bulk
Sled / pulks
Everything is packed and then dragged behind you using a harness, the
weight can be as much as a big motorbike!.